ALT works to conserve and steward critical land in perpetuity for Androscoggin River watershed protection, wildlife habitat, natural resources, and outdoor recreational opportunities. We currently conserve over 5,000 acres of land from Jay to Durham, including over ten miles of riverfront along the Androscoggin River in both rural and urban areas.
Visiting our conserved properties you will find recreational trails, fields, wetlands, bogs, working farms and forests. We host several events to connect people with these places throughout the year, including a canoe/kayak race, fishing outings with local youth, river and trail cleanups, and snowshoe, paddling, natural history and educational outings. The land we conserve contributes to water quality, ecological health and diversity, wildlife, plant and human health, opportunities for exploration, economic vitality, community well-being and scenic beauty, for now and for future generations. A vast network of members, volunteers, and partners make this important work possible.

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Join ALT! Help us conserve and protect our land and waterways. Your membership dues enable us to conserve critical land for watershed protection, habitat, resources, and outdoor recreation opportunities.