Explore ALT Nature Walks

Explore ALT Nature Walks are free, open to the public, guided adventures at Androscoggin Land Trust conservation areas led by trained Maine Master Naturalists and other volunteer leaders. These walks are a great chance to learn more about the natural world and local conservation efforts. Each walk will have a focus depending on the season and the location, but will explore whatever is found!
How to Prepare for A Nature Walk
Please dress according to the weather, and prepare appropriately for other possible outdoor conditions – proper footwear, snacks, water bottle, wear proper clothing for tick precautions, etc.
These walks are great for engaged children, and most appropriate for those ages 6 and up. Also, because the goal is nature observation, no dogs please.
Are you a Maine Master Naturalist, or have other expertise to share, interested in volunteering to lead or co-lead a Nature Walk? We’d love to talk with you about your interests. Please contact us at info@androscogginlandtrust.org or 207-782-2302.