Chestnut-sided Warbler at Hooper Pond Conservation Area
The Hooper Pond area was identified by the Department of Conservation’s Maine Natural Areas Program as being of statewide ecological importance due to its exemplary pond and streamshore vegetation and high quality wildlife habitat, including high-value breeding habitat for many priority species of wading birds and waterfowl that are in decline within the Northeast — including the wood duck, black duck, and American bittern. The forested upland provides habitat for other priority bird species, such as the Louisiana waterthrush and the veery.
ALT purchased the bulk of the preserve from Robert & Eva Philbrook and Pat Malmo & Richard Blaisdell in 2003 and 2004 with financial assistance from The Land for Maine’s Future fund. ALT was given 13.5 acres of wetland property by Barbara Bubier in 2003 and an additional 7.5 acres by Steve and Kathy Boucher in 2004. Together, the two parcels complete protection of Hooper Pond’s eastern shore. The property is managed for wildlife habitat. Allowed Activities: Birdwatching, Canoeing, Cross-country skiing, Fishing, Hiking, Hunting, Kayaking, Nature study, Snowshoeing, Walking, Wildlife observation.
Directions: There are two approaches:
- From Lewiston-Auburn take Route 202 north to intersection with Grey Road (just north of intersection with Allen Pond Road in Greene). Turn left onto Grey Road and follow until it turns into a dirt road (just past intersection with Sunset Hill Road). Continue on Grey Road until road is blocked with rocks. Please park only on the left side/trail side of Grey Road. Walk forward on closed road until intersection with trail to left (marked with Land for Maine’s Future signage).
- From Lewiston-Auburn take Route 202 north to intersection with Allen Pond Road in Greene. Turn left onto Allen Pond Road. Follow until intersection with Hooper Pond Road. Take right onto Hooper Pond Road. Follow approximately ½ mile until Hooper Pond boat launch on right.