Lean-to at Marden-Chittick Refuge in Greene
Three conservation easements were donated by Judith Marden to ALT in 2003 as the Marden-Chittick Refuge as an initial effort to permanently conserve one of the few blocks of remaining undeveloped land of over 1000 acres still remaining in Androscoggin County and critical for the maintenance of wildlife habitat.

Snowshoe hike event at Marden-Chittick in 2017.
The conservation easements protect over 200 acres of forests, scenic views and fields as well as the historic John Allen (1760-1834) farmstead and Mountain Purity Spring. This property is privately owned, although the landowner at her discretion allows for limited public access, via snowmobile and hiking trails. There is also permanent access for the Bates Outing Club to their lean-to. For more information about access to this property, please contact ALT at 782-2302.